Fonkoze Foundation, a pioneer in empowering Haitians through economic and social change, proudly marks its 30th anniversary. Since its inception in 1994, Fonkoze has been dedicated to improving the lives of Haiti’s most vulnerable communities through financial inclusion, education, health, and sustainable development initiatives. As part of the celebration, Fonkoze is launching the ‘We Are Fonkoze’ (Nou Se Fonkoze) campaign, inviting individuals to share their personal stories of transformation and connection with the organization. 

“The past 30 years have been a testament to the strength and determination of the Haitian people,” said Erlantz Hyppolite, Executive Director of Fonkoze USA. “We are honored to stand alongside the people of Haiti, providing the tools and resources needed to break the cycle of poverty and build a sustainable future. Our anniversary is not just a celebration of Fonkoze, but of the strength and hope of every individual and community we serve.” 

‘We Are Fonkoze’ Campaign: 

  • Empowerment: Share personal stories and experiences with Fonkoze to inspire others. 
  • Awareness: Highlight the impact of Fonkoze’s work across Haiti. 
  • Community Engagement: Foster a sense of unity and pride among supporters and beneficiaries. 
  • Fundraising: Support ongoing programs and initiatives to reach more communities in need.

The campaign runs throughout October, with testimonies shared on Fonkoze’s social media. Participants are encouraged to wear Fonkoze-branded apparel in their submissions, fostering a sense of community and shared mission. In November, these stories will aid fundraising, ensuring Fonkoze’s continued impact. 

Add Your Voice This October

Tico Armand voices her support for Fonkoze’s empowering work for women. 


For 30 years, Fonkoze’z work focused on providing microfinance services, literacy training, health education, and business skills development to women in rural communities across Haiti. Through these programs, we create sustainable change and promote economic independence among some of Haiti’s most vulnerable populations. 

Together, more than ever, using our voice to amplify awareness for the positive, Haitian-led change through Fonkoze is needed to help us reach new people, build community, and raise funding for our mission. In celebration of 30 years of grassroots work and transformation, we join with the women we serve, our staff, supporters, artists, and voices for change. 


Interested in sharing a story, photo, or video of support for this campaign? We invite you to submit a message below. 

Videos, photos, and testimonials will be shared beginning in October on our website, social media, and email.

30th Anniversary Events

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