Client Stories

Murline Gedeon, a 25-year-old woman entrepreneur, lives in a household of four, including her sister, husband, and stepson. The Problem: Murline Gedeon, a 25-year-old woman entrepreneur, lives in a household of four,...

Saincia Eric Tranquille Before Saincia met the case manager who would guide her through Fonkoze’s Chemen Lavi Miyò (Pathway to a Better Life), Saincia was living in ultra-poverty. “When it rained, I...

Kena Pierre Charles, a Fonkoze Community Health Entrepreneur with her Boutik Sante   Kena Pierre Charles is also a successful Community Health Entrepreneur (CHE) that participates in Fonkoze’s Boutik Sante in Bainet,...

Elsie and Kervenson In 2013 and 2014, while Elsie was in the Fonkoze CLM program, the staff discovered an issue with her young son, Kervenson. He couldn’t attend school due to what...

Client Testimonial from Germanie, a CLM participant....

A Fonkoze-empowered client for over eight years, Marie Yolène Néus from Sorel, Haiti, says, “With Fonkoze, I continue to grow personally and professionally. As a businesswoman, I’ve learned a great deal over...

Since 1994, Carinne Cadet has owned a small but profitable clothing business, buying used clothes from Malpasse, a Haitian-Dominican border town, and then selling them in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. This business, that she...

Chelene Belamour lives in Paulette, a small village near the northeast coast of Haiti. Before becoming a Fonkoze-empowered micro-entrepreneur, Chelene had fallen into ultra-poverty (the most extreme form) due to two unfortunate...

Until now, the nearest place to buy over-the-counter health products was more than an hour away from people living in Odette Midi’s community near La Vallée-de-Jacmel, Haiti. It meant that rather than...

Anthonise Jean-Michel wants nothing more than to be able to provide a good life for her 5- year-old son, so that he will be able to create a promising future of his...

Anne Marie Albert has been a Fonkoze-empowered Ti Machann (Market Woman) for over 25 years – nearly the entirety of the organization’s existence. Throughout the years, Anne Marie has made much progress...

On a narrow dirt road that leads to the Dominican Republic border from Mirebalais, Haiti, lies a bustling market filled with patrons and vendors of all kinds. To navigate through the crowded...

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