
Fonkoze Wins 2021 European Microfinance Award

November 18, 2021 – Among three organizations shortlisted out of 43 applications from 32 countries received by the European Microfinance Platform’s selection committee – Fonkoze is named the 2021 European Microfinance Award winner for Inclusive Finance and Healthcare. The 100,000 € prize will support Fonkoze’s empowering work across Haiti. View the award certificate.

The European Microfinance Platform’s press release states:

“Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, access to healthcare is one of the fundamental human rights, alongside the right to education, the right to work and the right for families and children to be protected. Yet, although access to healthcare is a fundamental universal right, it is often conditional on household income and the quality of the healthcare available. Paying for healthcare represents a greater financial risk for households with insecure and volatile incomes in low-income countries.

Read the full article here.

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